Well, we all just sat down to the annual Eurovision fest.. and as expected that awful UK song was a total flop.... Oh well.. ' BoomBangaBang! '
There were ' All kinds of Everything ' for everyone to like though... ;P before it was ' Making your mind up ' time... everyone did ' Poosh da button ' and the contestants finally met their ' Waterloo! '
It must all seem a ' Fairytale ' for Germany's Winner Lena Mayer-Landrut - at the end, she looked well out of it... almost like she was up high in the sky on a ' Satellite!'
Ahh heck.. ' What's another year? ' till the next one.. in Germany! Hopefully then it will include some ' Hard Rock - HALLELUJAH! '
Totally hilarious slip up by the organisers... did you see the stage invasion during the Spanish entry.. a shame it didnt happen to another song entry, like Azerbaijan... I wouldnt have minded hearing that lovely song twice.. and I know the boys would have like to see Armenia more than once... not necessary for the song though! Yet, it was Spain that we had to listen to twice.. sheeeesh... (if you missed it.. you can see it at this youtube link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uWCTeIv-Tc )
So...who did YOU vote for - or who did you like? The Finnish commentators here, seemed rather shocked about some of the obvious block voting...especially the lady commentor, but that is how it goes, each region likes similar things...as well as using tactical voting of course.
I liked France.. and I also liked Greece.. but I supposed that their government didn't really want to have to win, what with finances as they are... probably just as well for the UK too... but I also really liked CYPRUS... and think it was the best natural song of the show.. but heck.. Eurovision is not about the best song winning is it???
CONGRATULATIONS TO GERMANY! Quirky lyrics, but very catchy!
Quite Lily Allen like in many respects...
Question... which song mentioned above.. sadly didn't ever win eurovision?
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