I recently built in borders to my front garden, so I've been having a buyers fun time out, in the dept of:
Home and Garden>Gardens and Gardening>Plants Seeds and Bulbs
at www.specialistauctions.com
It's a great place. Free to list, with many great features - which include - listing in any currency you need, up to seven images per listing and a free shop area. Plus it is only 3% commission when your item sells.
Anyway, today, I have been buying lots of seeds to fill and decorate my garden with. It's so GREAT to see so many seeds and plants being listed and that plant and seed sellers with sense, from around the globe, are looking to the virtues of the specialistauctions.com site to trade on!
A few weeks back, I purchased some of these Painted Lady Runner Beans from the seller lynsgarden and they are already doing very well out there! Not one failed.. PERFECT! I grew them indoors initially, starting in the sauna, then the bathroom, then the balcony once it wasn't so totally cold. Even still, since they have been in the borders, we have had cold days with some light snowing.. nothing that settled though.. and they havent been bothered by it. The photograph above, is from some while back now.. soon I will show some more current images.
So far I have everything growing to plan, runners, peas, spring onions a small herb area and sunflowers. I also have some boxes of flowers hanging over the balcony: Allium Shoenoprasum, Painted Daisies (Chrysanthemum Carinatum), Ostrich Plume mixed Asters, Gypsophilia and Gazania Sunshine Hybrids.. all doing ok, but still fairly small and a way off flowering yet. In the meantime I bought a whopper of a hanging basket to stave off my desire for some colour!! :D The next thing on the list is to try and seed some grass into our pretty patchy and confused tiny lawn outside our home....
The only things that have yet to do much are some Parsley, Currant Tomatoes and Catnip in pots...Sweetpeas that are in between the runners and mini parsnips.. but I don't hold out so much hope for the parsnips as they were old dated seeds, but I thought Id give it a go anyway.
My most recent purchases have been from
Ive just bought... Kale and Broccoli
Tequila Sunrise Snapdragon
Canterbury Bells and Polemonium,
Lupins and Siberian Dianthus
and Poppy seeds!
I've also bought some Stunning Fringed Poppies from the seller, Lunar. What a nice lady she is.. she has even given me a freebie of some Aquilegias seeds to try out! Both she and Heavenscent are curious to see how the plants will fair under a different climate. That is partly what I love about the site.. the sellers actually have personalities, they are interested in communicating with you, working with you and helping you out. The site management is the same too! Truly refreshing!
It will be interesting to see if everything grows quickly enough with the short seasons of Lapland...albeit with our 24 hour light of Midsummer. There isn't so much sun around right now though.. quite overcast.. but I guess the plants are still getting some nutrients from the light. When it is sunny though, it does get very hot here. My only other bother is the HUGE mosquitoes that are swarming off the bogs, you get attacked by them as soon as you go out the door.. Today it chucked down with rain.. most unusual for us to get loads of it.. and my Sunflowers took a bit of a battering, but they seem ok. Just the back drop to them is splashed black with soily mud! Great!
This really is my first year as a gardener of any kind.. so it's all totally new to me!! :D
Oh yes... My tomorrow is going to be colourful!
Yet, what else can you expect with ANY of your purchases at www.specialistauctions.com - it's a blooming great and blossoming site! :D
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All content, unless otherwise noted, is © ArcticRainbow and may not be reproduced in any form without express permission from the author, except for credited links directly to articles or to the main site. (I don't bite...just ask!) :D