My last blog was about Mothers Day and in it I mentioned that I'd discovered there was a special flower - the Anemone Nemorosa, that grows in the wild and is given to Mothers on that day.
I received a message from Rita who runs three blogs that you should try to read if you have time.
She said: "We have anemonies here in the Helsinki area, I have them in my garden, although it's a wild flower. One year I planted one or two and they have spread. White ones and yellow ones. The blue one (Anemone Hepatica) looks a bit different and doesn't spread quite so easily".
I asked her if there was any chance at all in the future of a cutting, to which she replied "I'm sure we can think of something. What if I send you some white rose (valkovuokko) roots in an envelope? I'm not sure but I think it might be wise to wait till the flowers have bloomed"
Lo and behold, on Friday, I came home to a VERY well packaged envelope.. I wondered what it could be! There inside the cardboard envelope were the proof of this lovely lady's kindness. She HAD sent me some roots! THANK YOU RITA! You will be pleased to know that the Postie had been really considerate with the package and hadn't even franked it! It looked hand delivered! The roots and the flowers...as you can see were in A1 condition, thanks to the careful packaging.
I have repotted it all and I am hoping for the best! They are looking a bit floppy today, but let's hope it works out.. they looked in great condition and well worth trying. I will let you know!
Thank you also for the gift of the pen and notebook, advertising your business!
I shall now do what I can to repay you in kind.
Are you Finnish and want to learn excellent English? Rita runs Pretty Polly Kielikoulutus Oy and it's THE place to start!
Here are links to her blogs.
For those English readers of mine, who are looking to learn a bit about Finnish, the ritamentor blog is ideal as she writes in both languages! I find it very useful. I also like her positive and down to earth writing style! Nice, nice Lady!
I also espied that Rita had run a short blog about this blogspot - in which she describes it as 'exotic'.. Wow, thanks Rita! That was a surprise! The blog has been called many things.. but never exotic... so thank you for the compliment!
*** "The yellow wood anemone. Flowers for an exotic blog in Lapland. An Englishwoman talks about Finland and posts some lovely pictures. Worth a visit. Worth reading".***
I hope you enjoy your award... and thank you again!
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All content, unless otherwise noted, is © ArcticRainbow and may not be reproduced in any form without express permission from the author, except for credited links directly to articles or to the main site. (I don't bite...just ask!) :D