So, a very Happy Mothers Day to those in Finland.. but also to all Mothers around the world - especially to MY Mum, even though we may celebrate the event on different days and in different countries!
My two sons gave me the cards in the following picture... I also got a new mug with hearts on it and some scrummy Fazer chocolate! :D They know the way to my heart is through my stomach!
In Finland, Mothers Day is a loving but serious event. Firstly, it is marked with it being an official Finnish flag day (although there is not a flag day for Fathers Day!) plus.. ALL the shops are shut!
Traditionally, Äitienpäivä is set to be celebrated on the second sunday of May and began being observed in 1918. Later in 1947, it also became the flag day event as we know it today.
It is traditional (apparently) for Mothers to get a lay in, with breakfast or cake and coffee in bed (some hope LOL!!) There is a traditional flower to give too. It is the Anemone Nemorosa (a white Rose) and many children pick these from the wild. I've not seen these growing wild around here though. I looked online and found a natural information site showing the areas it proliferates.. and around here???.... errr.... NO!!! LOL.. The fact that the snow only recently disappeared might be the pertinent cause! LOL!!
See:HERE for the nature chart
See here for the wiki page on the flower itself
Since 1946, there has even been an Order Of The White Rose, which has awarded medals to distinguished Finnish mothers of note.
More info:HERE
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